

Department Of Medicine

Dr. Renny Issac
MBBS,MD General Medicine
TCMC Reg No: 22735
Dr. Sreejith PN
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No: 25409
Dr. Shiji PV
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No:29262
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 38593
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 42982
Dr Abdulla Aboobacker TT
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 38093
Dr Smitha Vijayan
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 35984
Dr Haridasan V
MBBS, MD, DM(Cardiology)
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No: 26468
Dr Minu Paul
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 68455
Dr Varsha C
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 66444
Dr Jeevan P.S.
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 67467
Dr Arun P.A.
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 69478


  1. Outpatient care facility:- In medicine OP Monday to Satruday 8 AM to 2 PM.
  2. Cardiology OPD every Monday and Thursday.
  3. Inpatient care facility:-120 beds, 3wards, separate male and female wards with minor procedure room.
  4. Cardiac Cath Lab Facility
  5. Treadmill test facility.
  6. ECHO cardiogram facility.
  7. Cardiac ICU 8 beds and Medicine ICU 6 beds.
  8. Holter Monitor.

About Department

  • Our Department has three wards with bed strength of 120.
  • One female ward functions in ward 9 and two male wards in ward 2 & 5.
  • There are four admitting unit M1, M2, M3 & M4. M3 is a non teaching unit run by DHS staff.
  • Department has one critical care unit with 6 beds and a coronary care unit with 8 beds. Critical care unit are well equipped with central oxygen supply, central suction facilities and each bed is equipped with defibrillator cum monitors also there are mechanical ventilators.
  • We have annual admissions of 11,000/- and bed occupancy of 90-100% per day which goes up to 120% in fever season.
  • Holter monitoring, Treadmill and ECHO Cardiograph tests and interventional cardiology procedure like Angiography and percutaneous interventions and cardiac pacing are routinely conducted in the cardiology department.
  • We have separate wards and ICUs for managing Covid-19 patients.
  • OPDs are run by all the four units in rotation from Monday to Saturday.
  • MBBS students are taught as per the schedule of KUHS curriculum with seminars, bed side clinics in the forenoon and theory classes in the afternoon.


  1. We do routine investigations in the Central Laboratory.
  2. Serological investigation in the Microbiology Department.
  3. Special investigations by ultrasound, CT scans in the Radiology Department



  • Admitting unit conduct the OP from 8 am to 2 p.m.
  • Other units takes ward round regularly involve in academic activities.
  • Run emergency departments 24 hours a day in to 365 days with junior Doctors and House Surgeons supervised by qualified medical officer in charge.
Major Equipment in the Department
