Department Of Medicine
Dr. Renny Issac
MBBS,MD General Medicine
TCMC Reg No: 22735
Dr. Sreejith PN
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No: 25409
Dr. Shiji PV
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No:29262
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 38593
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 42982
Dr Abdulla Aboobacker TT
MBBS, MD General Medicine
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 38093
Dr Smitha Vijayan
Assistant Professor
TCMC Reg No: 35984
Dr Haridasan V
MBBS, MD, DM(Cardiology)
Associate Professor
TCMC Reg No: 26468
Dr Minu Paul
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 68455
Dr Varsha C
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 66444
Dr Jeevan P.S.
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 67467
Dr Arun P.A.
MBBS,MD General medicine
Senior Resident
TCMC Reg No: 69478
- Outpatient care facility:- In medicine OP Monday to Satruday 8 AM to 2 PM.
- Cardiology OPD every Monday and Thursday.
- Inpatient care facility:-120 beds, 3wards, separate male and female wards with minor procedure room.
- Cardiac Cath Lab Facility
- Treadmill test facility.
- ECHO cardiogram facility.
- Cardiac ICU 8 beds and Medicine ICU 6 beds.
- Holter Monitor.
About Department
- Our Department has three wards with bed strength of 120.
- One female ward functions in ward 9 and two male wards in ward 2 & 5.
- There are four admitting unit M1, M2, M3 & M4. M3 is a non teaching unit run by DHS staff.
- Department has one critical care unit with 6 beds and a coronary care unit with 8 beds. Critical care unit are well equipped with central oxygen supply, central suction facilities and each bed is equipped with defibrillator cum monitors also there are mechanical ventilators.
- We have annual admissions of 11,000/- and bed occupancy of 90-100% per day which goes up to 120% in fever season.
- Holter monitoring, Treadmill and ECHO Cardiograph tests and interventional cardiology procedure like Angiography and percutaneous interventions and cardiac pacing are routinely conducted in the cardiology department.
- We have separate wards and ICUs for managing Covid-19 patients.
- OPDs are run by all the four units in rotation from Monday to Saturday.
- MBBS students are taught as per the schedule of KUHS curriculum with seminars, bed side clinics in the forenoon and theory classes in the afternoon.
- We do routine investigations in the Central Laboratory.
- Serological investigation in the Microbiology Department.
- Special investigations by ultrasound, CT scans in the Radiology Department
- Admitting unit conduct the OP from 8 am to 2 p.m.
- Other units takes ward round regularly involve in academic activities.
- Run emergency departments 24 hours a day in to 365 days with junior Doctors and House Surgeons supervised by qualified medical officer in charge.
Major Equipment in the Department
